Friday, June 6, 2008

No baby.

These are the awesome calla lilies Russ gave me for our anniversary.
They are my favorite.
Hence my bouquet from the wedding (seen in last blog entry.

And here is the best snack ever.
Peanut butter on Ritz cracker with a coke.
My nana and I used to eat this snack a lot at her house while watching "The Prices Right." Still a good 11:00 snack.

What is your favorite snack from childhood?


Kelly Ford said...

pack of rolo's w/ my daddy and a pepsi (i cant stand pepsi anymore, but its' all my folks drank!). Its funny how foods bring back good memories. Thats why i continue to eat...i'm trying to make new memories. haha.

gilly said...

my papaw hammontree used to take a saltine cracker and put half a marshmellow on it and then toast it in the small conv. over...they were so good!!!!!

gilly said...

oh and a moon pie always reminds me of the many hours I used to sit at the bowling alley watching my mamaw play...(and by the way she still plays to this day)

Anonymous said...

I loved "Mary Jane's" that Mama taught me how to make. Saltine cracker, peanut better, marshmallow, carefully toasted. Mini marshmallows work better. If you ever want to plant calla's in your yard, I have LOTS of white and pink. Can't wait for Josie's arrival. I keep checking your blog. Laura Hayes

morgan collins said...

vienna sausages....sike!
coke in a glass bottle and you pour a pack of peanuts in good.