Sunday, July 5, 2009

snowcones, floats and a parade

we were at the lake for the fourth of july and in decatur for the parade.  it was a fun day.  josie loved watching the kids riding their bikes in the parade. we were stationed at the bottom of a hill so it was quite funny watching the kids with some major speed collide with other kids.

ice cream.  we love the free cone at bruster's!  especially on Granny's birthday.  granted this did mean Josie yelled in her crib for 15 minutes before falling asleep.  those dang sugar highs.
we love the lake.  josie is a water bug for sure.  she loves to ride in the boat and float in the water.  she is a masterson!

Josie had her first taste of a snowcone a few weeks ago.  Tiger's blood of course! It made me reminisce about the tropical snow in front of Quality Foods growing up.  my dad was all about some shaved ice. josie was all about some tiger's blood.

oh i love thee.
i will leave you with my most favorite sound in all the earth! (video below)


Anonymous said...

i LOVED the tropical snow in front of quality foods...we always went there on the way home from the first day of school at good ol' lawrenceville elementary!!!

Callie said...

I don't think I could love the Josie-Thomas videos more. Wonderful is by far an understatement. What a jewel.

Allison Wolfe said...

Oh I hope Otis is as good with our baby girl as Thomas is with Josie. SO cute. I still can't get over how independent she is. She's so funny. And, now you have me craving one of thos snow cones. Those in front of Quality Foods were so good - I don't know what made them so much better than others!

morgan collins said...

love the laugh!

Courtney Couch said...

Quality Foods snow cones!! What a fun memory....=)