Thursday, April 16, 2009


So yesterday I observed  a man in a suburban driving down Boulevard (major road in Atlanta) with his side passenger door open.  Serious?  The crazy thing was apparently I was the only one who cared and tried to honk.  Maybe this is a new style like the one pant leg thing.  Who knows.

On another fun side note...
I had a mommy/sitter mixer this past Saturday.  Due to Russ' job with college and young adults, we hang out a lot with some great babysitters.  Having this grand luxury became apparent as I talked with my mom friends at bible study.  One of my friends had the idea of having a party where the moms and sitters could meet each other, therefore you could see personalities etc.

It went great!  The sitters were cute as ever and several of my mom friends from church and my neighborhood came to mingle.  It was great collision of my two worlds.

Russ and I have enjoyed brainstorming on other ways that our life and areas of influence can intermingle for others to benefit.

Any other good ideas for your areas of influence?

1 comment:

Me said...

What a great idea! I'll have to remember that for when my sweet girl gets here.