Tuesday, September 9, 2008

my husband... God love him... and me too

my husband had 5 oreos with his dinner and is now sitting down with a HUGE bowl of moose tracks (1 hour later).... he says it is his reward for being made fun of in high school for being skinny......i will never understand that type of freedom in eating.


KatieMGreen said...

I am ticked.

The Watsons said...

I'm with Katie. This is so unfair. What did I do to deserve daily exercise and rabbit food???

I hope he enjoys every bite! He's a precious man!

morgan collins said...

so according to that logic do I get to have a nose job since I got made fun of for my nose in middle school:) maybe I'll just go eat some icecream instead.

The Harner's said...

sounds like my hubby! must be nice, right?

Callie said...

come on, you're a breastfeeder. You could do it, too, I think...but probably not forever:)