Wednesday, June 29, 2011


i am not preggo.
i was just referring to being pregnant in the summer with Josie thus her having a birthday in the summer.
sorry for the confusion.


kharner said...

Ha!!! I, along with probably everyone else, was wondering what you meant by that! ;) I figured as much but you say the word pregant and everyone goes crazy!

kharner said...

I meant, pregnant!

Unknown said...

:) I was wondering too.....

Amanda Odom said...

I totally thought I missed something too! Love you!

Allison Wolfe said...

Oh the world of blogging, sometimes you say one thing, and it gets taken totally the wrong way! Mine is usually the opposite - people take it as something bad!

The Jacobs Family said...

I have to admit I thought you were too and even went back through your archives to see if I missed something. LOL.