Izzie is 8.5 days old. Today is my first day at home by myself. So far, so good. Josie has been super sweet and helpful. She has had a bit of a tough time transitioning. Just super sensitive in the confusion of what all is changing. The Lord was gracious to remind me of my own personal tendency to crave control amidst change. That is exactly what Josie has been doing. Trying to boss anyone and everyone around in order to gain control. I have said it before but I am afraid she has inherited her bossy-ness from me. The second element was a cold and cough. This added to the change made for a super sensitive two and a half year old. Literally, each day she has gotten better. Obviously, much better today that I have time to blog....
Izzie is doing very well. Sleeping and eating well. Yes, she reminds me a lot of Josie just with olive skin and dark hair. This partially fits because my brothers and I all look alike but have very different coloring. (Kevin- tan skin, dark hair, brown eyes; Me- freckles, auburn hair, green eyes; KC- fair skin, blonde hair, blue eyes)
Thank you for all the well wishes and prayers. I truly have felt the blessings of a praying community.
Hey friend! I hope you are doing well. She is just beautiful! So sweet!
soooooo sweet! congrats!
She is scrumptious, Kristie! I'd like to nibble her little legs :-) I know you're enjoying her... praying for little Josie's adjustment... and yours :-)
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