Two funny children happenings occurred today amidst our house of renovation craziness and child with sickness. These two worlds colliding produce one freed up Mama. If not, I would cry the whole day.
So I am in Josie's room putting away her clothes when I realize... "it is way too quite in there." I walk in the den to see Josie painting Thomas with her red Tylenol. How could I not laugh and take a picture??.... Awesome.
Second happening, in our kitchen a wall was torn down. Well there is a place on the floor that is waiting to be patched up. Josie tripped on it this evening and landed her fanny directly in Thomas' water bowl. It was hilarious. I wanted to take a picture but Josie was in some distress so I thought that might be cruel. Water was everywhere.
Hope you got a laugh with us!
I hope to be a better blogger.
that is one cute strawberry!!!
love her costume! got your message, sundays are crazy for us so i didn't call back. you just holler when you're ready to reschedule!
Love it! She is too funny.
hilarious stories.
way to not freak out that she was in the medicine! can't wait until the day where there will be pics of the finished product on the house!!
miss you, friend!
What a cute costume! And I especially love how she is straddling Thomas to paint on him. He's such a good dog! I'm not sure Otis is going to be as patient!
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