so this has become the running joke in my family but largely in my own head. a great way to put things into perspective. "calling out" my first world problems has really helped my attitude diminish.
for example: we are moving! we sold our house and now are looking for a house. in the meantime we will live in Russ' Granny's lake house. i grumble about this at times. then I am reminded...this is a first world problem. "poor me...i have to move to the lake"....perspective... you get it?!
another example: i get cranky when i don't get to drink my entire cup of coffee in the morning. ummm....first world problem. "get a grip, Kristy." is what i tell myself.
i could list many more examples but you would see my depravity all to clear. most of the time it is quite funny.
try it, you might like it, or your spouse might like the attitude adjustment the most.