1. I have a job. Everyday 4 hrs. Tutoring a teenage boy. For 9 weeks.
2. It is work.
3. We have been participating in swim lessons again and Josie loves it.
4. My little brother got married on Saturday.
5. He and Brittany are in Hawaii right now and I have only thought of them 40 times today.
6. The wedding was a great excuse to visit paper source and make all kinds of fun things.
7. I am going with Russ to a Zac Brown Band concert this week for his birthday.
8. We are camping out in North Carolina. I'm really excited.
9. I am preggo....11 weeks....
10. We are super excited!
Josie is at such a fun age. We laugh all the time at her made up songs. New words and pronunciations. Even her imagination and memory for our structure. She and Thomas have become even closer friends. She takes her frustration out on him, runs to tell him she has tee teed on the potty, tries to ride him, write on him...you name it he has sat through it. Every time she takes a nap or goes to bed she has to run and find him to tell him good night and give him a kiss. It is precious! This is a super fun picture I captured the other day when they were playing in the yard.
The weather has been great and we have been spending a lot of time outside. Love the spring!